Archive | November, 2011

“tunes”day: ‘clair de lune’

15 Nov

ok, one more ceremony song and then next week i’ll jazz it up again.

this one i’m thinking would be great for the bridal party to enter to. as it gets louder, i imagine the flower girl or ring bearer stumbling down the aisle.

i’m also thinking it’s great for an evening wedding in a venue with great windows or maybe even outside. afterall, the translation of the title is moonlight. romantic, huh? also works for a song to play as guests are being seated because it’s soft and pretty, and kind of flutters about without distracting people too much.

and this is another great piano solo (read: only one instrument and one musician to pay).

“tunes”day: ‘tell him’

8 Nov

i guess i’m on a kick for ceremony songs lately. but here’s another one i thought fitting for a bride’s entrance. lauryn hill’s ‘tell him’ from one of the greatest albums ever.

this song sounds like honey. if you have a choir at your wedding, i’m jealous, and you should have them start practicing this one stat. course it’ll still sound god coming out of an ipod, so you’ve got that option too.

and if you’re reading from that classic verse of corinthians (‘love is patient, love is kind…’) it’s fitting since the song references it.

“tunes”day: ‘he sleeps’

1 Nov

while putting this post together i realized that the pretty woman soundtrack isn’t available on itunes. i got sad. then i realized that today’s song isn’t even on the soundtrack and i got more sad. but i digress…

as a lover of basic cable and the same dozen movies they always seem to run and i always seem to watch, i was delighted to catch some of pretty woman last night. i was pretty sure i knew all the songs in the movie, but i was caught off guard by the score played towards they end, when viv kisses edward for the first time. ‘he sleeps’ by james newton howard enhances the scene and would make for a delightful song for a ceremony processional. plus, all you need is a pianist!